October 29, 2015
Okay I will send him a quick 2014 was one of the Island’s best growing seasons for a number of years, with a rise in Jersey Royal potato and dairy sales.
The Economic Development Department’s Agricultural Statistics report for 2014 shows that 31,000 tonnes of Jersey Royal potatoes were exported with a value of around £29 million, which was £1.45 million higher than the previous year, though the gross return per tonne fell by five per cent.
Sales at Jersey Dairy rose from £12.7 million in 2013 to £14 million in 2014 to meet the growing international demand for UHT milk and milk products. This was underpinned by an increase in milk production from 13 million litres to 14 million litres, and improved milk production. The yield per cow has risen by ten per cent since 2010 due to the use of imported semen and an improved feeding regime.
Demand for cider apples remains strong and the area of top fruit now stands at 236 vergées though the area of organic crops fell from 1,325 vergées in 2013 to 1,008 vergées.
Minister for Economic Development, Senator Lyndon Farnham said “2014 saw the acquisition of the Jersey Royal Potato Company by Greenvale, part of the Produce Investment Group, one of the UK’s foremost potato businesses. Greenvale is bringing all its knowledge, experience and expertise in the UK market to develop the Jersey Royal potato brand further.
“In addition, the global interest in Jersey’s dairy products is great news and reflects well on the work that’s gone on over the last few years to raise farm standards and meet the stringent import requirements of our international customers. That work will continue and I hope to see the industry go from strength to strength.
“On a smaller but similarly positive scale, we now have an increased range of high quality ciders, spirits and juices being produced in the Island based on cider apple production. This is just the kind of niche product that Jersey does well and which we’ve been pushing for to help diversify the industry.
“The organic sector is going through a difficult period but the Department of the Environment and the Jersey Organic Association are working on an Organic Action Plan based on the strategic review of the sector.”
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